jueves, 2 de junio de 2022


 Last Thursday 5th May 2022, we held our First Bilingual Olympics in the IES Pablo Neruda. The competition consisted of a Kahoot game with questions from the bilingual subjects (in 1ºESO, Biology and Physical Education; in 2ºESO, History, Technology and P.E.; in 3ºESO, Biology, Technology and P.E., in 4ºESO, History and P.E.) and questions about the English language. The whole activity was done in English and students had to choose the correct answers to the questions in the digital screenboard from their mobile phones.

Students did very well in all the levels, but only the best three of each level are the winners of this competition. And the winners are:

1ºESO: (46 questions)

1st: Sergio Pérez A., 1ºB (38.972 points and 85%  correct answers).

2nd: Elvira Navarro Sánchez, 1ºB (38.331 points and 83% correct answers).

3rd: Luis Yebra González, 1ºB (37.8956 points and 83% correct answers)


2ºESO: (51 questions)

1st: José López Soler, 2ºC (40.283 points, 78% correct answers).

2nd: Pablo Barrio Zambrana, 2º C (37.015 points and 75% correct answers).

3rd: Manuel Romero Díaz, 2ºB (36.572 points, 73% correct answers).

3ºESO: (26 questions)

1st: Alejandro Romero Díaz, 3ºB (21.795 points, 85% correct answers).

2nd: Irene López Martín, 3ºC (20.553 points, 81% correct answers).

3rd: Laura Romero Ocaña, 3ºA (19.479 points, 73% correct answers).

4ºESO: (36 questions)

1st: Ignacio García López, 4ºA (30.156 points, 78% correct answers).

2nd: María Garrido Barquín, 4ºC (28.089 points, 72% correct answers).

3rd: Lucía Martínez Martínez, 4ºB (26.413 points, 69% correct answers).


The winners have been invited to a breakfast at the Bar Parada and they have received a diploma. This ceremony took place last Thursday at the break period (1º and 2º: 10:15; 3º and 4º: 11:15).

Congratulations to all winners and thank you for participating, students! You did really well!!

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